A word for viewers

Sunday, July 17, 2022

A word for viewers

 Here's some info to everyone who somehow stumbled upon this corner of internet. 

This blog focuses on various topics, one of the main ones being cartoony bondage. Autor publishes here artworks that were inspired by bondage scenes from cartoons, tv shows, comic books and other media; besides that, some other art on various topics may appear here. While it's unlikely that you will find here explicit adult content, the intended audience for this blog is still assumed to be adults, so minors are not welcome here. Any violence, profanity or other similar things that may be depicted here are used for artistic purposes only and are not intended to offend anyone. If you find the content of this blog inaproppriate, just leave this page and forget about what you seen here.

Any artwork posted here are created by blog's author, unless he claims otherwise. Author doesn't claim any rights to any character from cartoons/videogames/any other media or characters that are belong to other people. 

Author does not support and condemns any kind of violence, pedophilia or child abuse, abuse of women, animal abuse or any other illegal/inappropriate actions. Author severely condemns faschism/nazism, racism and any people who supports aforementioned things.

Author warns that all situations portaryed in his art are the fruit of his imagination, and is not responsible for anyone's attempt to recreate anything shown in this blog in reality. Remember that situations that you see in pictures here are fictious and may be dangerous or impossible to do in real life. Bondage in real life is risky, and requires compliance with safety rules and the mutual consent of the parties involved.


  1. Hi there! Huge fan of your art, was happy to find somewhere you’re still active after finding you on FA. I wanted to ask, do you still take commissions?

    1. Hey, sorry for such late reply (work keeps me busy way too much). Unfortunately, i don't take new commissions anymore - i want to concentrate on some personal stuff instead.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm active here or on discord.

    2. Can you give us your Discord Invite Link? And if you have a group there, can you pass on the link of that group?

  3. HurricaneBlackSparkApril 15, 2023 at 6:30 PM

    Hi there. I hope things are going well on your new site. I’m hurricaneblackspark from FurAffinity and about a few years ago I bought a commission from you and sent money and was wondering how you doing with that. If you were wondering it involves a young raccoon girl being tied up and tickled
